How to Survive Sixth Grade

A vs. F: Study for Essay Tests

            The most difficult challenge of sixth grade is definitely taking essay tests.  In fourth grade, I thought it was challenging to answer a few essay questions on the reading FCAT, but that was nothing compared to the essay tests in sixth grade.  In advanced world cultures, taught by Mr. Bramlett, the tests consist of seven essay questions: four short response questions, answered with about four to six sentences and three long response questions, answered with six to ten sentences.  These tests take hours to study for because the study for because the study guide is made of ten to thirteen questions.  If you are in a class where there are essay tests, be sure to ask the teacher for the study guide as soon as the unit starts and fill it out as you go through the unit.  I can not stress enough not to procrastinate and wait until the end of the unit to study.  This way, at the end of the unit, when tons of homework comes due, you won’t have to worry about filling it out; you just have to study it.  After you write out the questions, I would recommend discussing the answers with a classmate or a parent.  If you discuss the answers with a classmate, be definitely wait until they are done filling out the study guide also.  If you learn to manage your time and study, essay tests will be easier to complete.